Employment Services
How Grow Helps Individuals Find and Keep Jobs
Supported Employment’s focus is to seek employment opportunities in the community to help individuals achieve their career goals, greater independence and a higher quality of life. Grow has a team of Employment Specialists, including Job Developers, Job Coaches and the Director of Supported Employment, all collaborating on person-centered planning for each individual seeking competitive, gainful employment.
When individuals express interest in obtaining employment,
they work with the Employment Specialists to:
Build a résumé
Identify volunteer opportunities to include on their résumés
Practice interview skills
Practice job skills
Visit job sites to explore a variety of work opportunities
Complete Grow’s ServSafe certification program if applicable
Apply for jobs
Arrange a work contract with DDS if one does not exist already
Use Grow transportation services to ensure access to jobs
Celebrate interviews completed, insights learned, and job offers
Continue to hone their skills at the work site
On-going performance evaluations
Once an individual has been hired, a Job Coach provides meaningful coaching at Grow and at the workplace. The Job Coach attends and monitors every phase of an individual’s shift for as long as those supports are needed or wanted, as the individual masters the job.
Individuals hired earn market wages. Most start at the minimum wage. Many of the individuals enjoy working part-time jobs and a few people work full-time jobs.
Grow’s Supported Employment program is flourishing. More than 30 individuals are working in over 20 companies in the region – and we are working to add more!
Questions? Would you like to learn more? Contact the Director of Supported Employment, Emily Shea, eshea@grow-associates.org or call 781-961-6700 during business hours.
We Specialize In
Career Development Plans
Assessing the occupational skills and interests of each person we serve through “Person-Centered Planning”
In-house Training
Developing the necessary skills to work in the community
- Job Exploration
- Resume Writing
- Interviewing Skills
- Social Skills
- Safety Skills
Job Placement
Securing appropriate employment opportunities that best utilize abilities.
Job Coaching Support
Training and on-going supports in order to provide mutual, positive, work experiences.
Ready to Make a Change?
We’re hiring! We are looking for people like you to grow our team. If you are looking for a rewarding and creative work environment at a top-ranked organization, contact us!